Writing Over Squares on Canvas

《Writing Over Squares on Canvas》では始めに、3種類の高さの違う正方形で画面全体を覆います。

武蔵野美術大学美術館図書館2015年発行の図録 「KOICHI ONO A RETROSPECTIVE」から抜粋転載。

Why have human beings continued to paint a fictional space called painting on a physically flat plane?
I have been contemplating the answer to this through the two factors of "the plane as a material and the pictorial space as an illusion."
If you look at a picture with one eye closed, the perspective of whatever it is that is depicted appears more emphasized or stereoscopic than when you look at it with both eyes.
A human being judges the distance between himself and an object according to the angle of the lines connecting the object and each one of the two eyes.
If you look at it with one eye, this angle naturally is not formed.
Consequently, it is impossible to perceive the distance to the canvas and although the fact that the canvas is a plane can be understood from experience, it cannot be felt as a sensory perception.
Instead, the illusion depicted on the plane is perceived all the more frankly.
To put it the other way round, when looking at a picture, a human being perceives the physical plane and, at the same time, perceives the illusionary space depicted on it.
That is to say, he or she is having two contradictory perceptions at the same time.
However, it is indeed this contradiction that creates the pictorial space and the conflict caused by this contradiction is precisely what creates the complex, charming world of painting.
In my mind, the change in the situation of the conflict between the two factors of the plane as a material and the pictorial space as an illusion is actually the history of painting.
I feel that the basis of what Cézanne tried to do and what Mondrian tried to do lies here.
Once the camera was invented, the role of reproducing the actual space, which had been an important role assumed by painting until then, was no longer important.
Set free from the restraint of having to reproduce the depth in real space, modern painting began undergoing drastic changes in pursuit of a new appearance.
In the later examples of the Mont Sainte-Victoire series by Cézanne, the space between the foreground, the mid-distance, and the background shrinks rapidly.
At the same time, the figure-ground relationship created by the brushstrokes is not fixed so that it produces a shallow but opulent pictorial space.
In a picture of a pond in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the image becomes like an abstract painting in more or less green only.
There is even less depth in this painting, but the opulence of the pictorial space increases.
The figure and ground produced by the richly nuanced green color planes change places presenting an affluent pictorial space that you would never get tired of however many hours you kept looking at it.
The figure-ground relationship is an important element of the pictorial space in the famous series of works in which Mondrian abstracted apple trees, too.
In those works, which later reached geometric forms, the plane on the canvas as a material and the pictorial space painted on that canvas as an illusion reach more or less the same level.
Yet, the pictorial space is still slightly further behind the physical plane.
In Writing Over Squares on Canvas, I begin by covering the entire canvas with squares set at three different heights.
This is to produce a physical space in very mild relief that is not a painted illusionary space.
By covering these squares with ductus (handwriting), a spatial illusion reoccurs.
The pictorial space produced this way is slightly behind the physical surface of the canvas and, at the same time, slightly in front of it so that it appears to be imparting a vibrato by going to and fro.
This is my new presentation in the history of the changes of the pictorial space.

Passage extracted from the catalogue KOICHI ONO: A RETROSPECTIVE, published by Musashino Art University Museum & Library 2015

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