
これらの中から36枚を選んで本にしたものが『Untersuchungen 1971-1979』(探究)です。


武蔵野美術大学美術館図書館2015年発行の図録 「KOICHI ONO A RETROSPECTIVE」から抜粋転載。

There are sketches and notes that I took down while I was in Germany as analyses of my works or the basis of my work.
I chose 36 sheets and published them as a book entitled Untersuchungen.
The postscript to that book reads as follows.

To me, expression is roughly a continuous and endless process of "objectifying myself by myself" so that the entirety of myself will be preserved without being destroyed.
That has to be made possible through thorough contemplation and unflagging efforts to build an artistic method "from the subject's side as the expresser and from the subjectivity of the side that perceives it.
"And this process is filled with an intentionality trying to transcend myself inside it.

Passage extracted from the catalogue KOICHI ONO: A RETROSPECTIVE, published by Musashino Art University Museum & Library 2015

Purchase the catalog(カタログの購入)