Plate Tectonics

日本に帰国後に制作を始めたのが《Plate Tectonics》の作品群です。

武蔵野美術大学美術館図書館2015年発行の図録 「KOICHI ONO A RETROSPECTIVE」から抜粋転載。

I began working on Plate Tectonics after I returned to Japan.
What concerned me after having lived in Germany for many years and returned to Japan was the state of the Japanese Islands.
The Japanese Islands stand where four plates crash against one another.
While this is a change in material caused by the grand flow of time on the earth, to me, it also appears as the making of Japanese culture.
I view this as a metaphor of the clash between Western culture and Oriental culture like the plates in Japan.

Passage extracted from the catalogue KOICHI ONO: A RETROSPECTIVE, published by Musashino Art University Museum & Library 2015

Purchase the catalog(カタログの購入)